Kingston FCC

Pastor: Rev. Dr. W. David Thomas

Associate Pastor: Rev. Shea Fitzgibbons
Church office: 603 642-7256
Saturday Service Time: 5pm (Newton)
Sunday Service Times: 8:45am and 10:30am (Kingston)

At Kingston we have experienced substantial growth in recent years. In 2011 we acquired a meeting house in Newton, NH, about 5 miles from our Kingston meeting house. We are currently holding Saturday evening services there. Also, in 2011, we undertook a building project to increase our office space, classrooms, fellowship room at the Kingston campus. The project required that we remove an addition that was built onto the rear of the meeting house in the mid-50's. The new addition had to meet not only our church needs but had to comply with the town historical board's architectural rules. We were blessed with a mild winter that enabled us to make remarkable progress. There are several pictures of the addition on our website at


Date form filled out: 9/7/2012

Name of Church: Kingston First Congregational Church

Street Address of Church (for GPS): 6 Church Street

Mailing Address of Church: P.O. Box 203, Kingston, N.H. 03848

Time(s) of Sunday services: 8:45am and 10:30am

Telephone # of church and times answered or messages taken: 603 642-7256, 9-3, M-F, 24/7 messages

Church Website: ;

E-mail address of Church: 

Moderator: Mrs. Amy Leach

Moderator E-mail:

Mailing address of Moderator: 81 Main Street, Kingston, NH 03848


Telephone # of Clerk: 

Mailing address of Clerk:

Pastor: Rev. Dr. W. David Thomas

Pastor telephone number: (See Directory page)


Mailing address of Pastor: PO Box 203 or 6 Church Street, Kingston,, NH 03848

Year-Round Delegate: Susan Phillips


Mailing address of Year-Round Delegate: 20 Washington Way, Kingston, NH 03848

Name of person who prepares the newsletter: Church Office personnel

Telephone # & e-mail of newsletter preparer: 603 642-7256;

How often does the newsletter come out? Monthly; Deadline: 3rd Wednesday of the month

Mailing address of person who prepares the newsletter: PO Box 203, Kingston, NH 03848

Form Template Date: August 30, 2016

Modified by: Peter Cunningham

Please review the "Directory" information and the "NHCCC Ministries" information sheet on the pages for your church and email any changes to David Stasiak at 

Thank you.

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