Pastor: Rev. Dale Louise Nicholas
Church Phone: 603 542-8546
Date form filled out: 12/15/2021
Name of Church: The United Church of Cornish
Street Address of Church (for GPS): 378 Center Road, Cornish, NH 03745
Mailing Address of Church: PO Box 40, Cornish Flat, NH 03746
Directions to Church: I-89 or 91 to exit 20, to rte. 120 to Town House Road to Center Rd.
Time(s) of Sunday services: 10 am
Telephone # of church and times answered or messages taken: 603 558-0334
Moderator: Frank N. Ackerman
Moderator Phone #: 603 306-5318
Clerk: Nancy Kilmer
Clerk Address: PO Box 40, Cornish Flat, NH 03746
Pastor: Rev. Gary A. Ward - Ministry Team
Pastor telephone number: 603-558-0334
Pastor E-mail:
Mailing address of Pastor: PO Box 40, Cornish Flat, NH 03746
Year-Round Delegate: None
Name of person who prepares the newsletter: None