Pastor: Rev. Randy Thompson
Church Phone: 603 224-9238
Name of Church: Immanuel
Street Address of Church (for GPS): 5 Grover Street, Concord, NH, 03301-5635
Mailing Address of Church: 5 Grover Street, Concord, NH, 03301-5635
Directions to Church: I-93, exit 14, Loudon Rd./Rte 9, Go east ~1 mile, turn right at D'Angelo's on Grover St, church on immediate left.
Time(s) of Sunday services: 10am
If it changes in the summer, give dates of change:
Telephone # of church and times answered or messages taken: 603 224-9238
Church Web Address: E-mail address of Church:
Moderator: Joyce Supry
Moderator E-mail:
Mailing address of Moderator: 295 Portsmouth Street, Concord, NH, 03301
Telephone # of Clerk: ; E-mail:
Mailing address of Clerk:
Pastor: Rev. Randy Thompson
Pastor Telephone number: See Directory page
Pastor E-mail:
Mailing address of Pastor: 29 Hogg Hill Road, Bradford, NH 03221
Year-Round Delegate:
YRD E-mail:
Name of person who prepares the newsletter:
E-mail of newsletter preparer:
How often does the newsletter come out? ; Deadline:
Mailing address of person who prepares the newsletter:
Form Template Date: September 7, 2012
Modified by: Peter Cunningham