
Contact Revrend David Stasiak for more information about NHCCC meetings.

Rev. David Stasiak, M.Div.,
Moderator NACCC NHCCC Fellowship
603-545-8990 Cell
603-435-7471 Church Office



Fellowship Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 29, 2016
NOON at Campton Congregational Church
Peter and Helen Cunningham of Kingston Congregational Church
Randy Thompson of Immanuel Church of Concord Michelle and Darryell Lennon of Northfield/Tilton Congregational Church
Diane Bucharelli and Russ and Cindy Petrie of Campton Congregational Church
We shared lunch and conversation together.  This fellowship is an important part of who we are as brothers and sisters in Christ. 
We shared a little about our churches current activities:
  • Immanuel Church of Concord is currently revising their By-Laws and are in the midst of a study of Romans.  Randy find NT Wright’s “New Testament for Everyone” has been a great asset during this study.  He also recommends the book “The Crucifixion” by Fleming Rutledge as a great read.
  • Kingston is utilizing a study called “Christianity Explored” a course along ALPHA lines.  They are also in the process of finding a new Youth Minister.  Great things continue to happen in this very busy Church Family.
  • Northfield/Tilton has three people going to the Dominican Republic to Good Samaritan Hospital for a Mission experience.  They are also staring a “Play Group for New Moms.”  They will hold another Recovery Coach training the last week of January. If you are interested please contact Rev. Michelle Lennon for more information, there is a $100.00 donation requested.  Their food pantry and thrift shop continue to be a great asset to the community.
  • Campton Congregational Church continues with three Bible Studies each week.  They are adding a Bereavement Group which meets every other week.  These programs have good attendance and are a joy to facilitate.  They also continue to share a lunch together at a local restaurant after Communion on the first Sunday of each month.  This along with their weekly Fellowship Times and monthly Prayer and Hymn Sing are programs which continue to gain interested people.
We missed all who were unable to make it to this meeting.  As we ended this meeting with prayer, all who were absent were included in our rejoicings and concerns.
We hope to see all of you at our next meeting:  Wednesday, December 7 at NOON at the Northfield/Tilton Congregational Church.   This is our Christmas Celebration and will include a Potluck Lunch.  Please bring a salad or main dish to share.  Also, please advertise this with your church families EVERYONE is invited to this event.  This gathering will serve as our Annual Meeting, again your attendance is very important to us.
God bless each of you as we continue serving Him: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Respectfully submitted,
Rev. Cynthia B. Petrie, M.Div.,
Moderator NACCC NHCCC Fellowship
603-986-8849 cell
603-539-7064 home
like us on Facebook as well


Each church family always has an encouraging word for the group.  We also take time to listen to concerns, share helpful information, and end in prayer.  We find this time together to be uplifting and joyful.  The meeting is for everyone who is interested in the NACCC NH Fellowship. 

Our prayer is that one of the NH Churches who has not recently hosted a meeting of the Fellowship will volunteer to host the next event in January (Date TBA). This will enable us to offer a meeting or two a year that will be near everyone at some point making attending at least some of the meetings a greater possibility for everyone.


If you have any questions please call me at your convenience, or e-mail me.  Also, if you would let me know you received this notice it will help me to believe that my e-mails are actually getting to the locations that I attempt to send them.


May God continue to richly bless you as we join together to do His Will day by day.


Sincerely, Cindy



Rev. Cynthia B. Petrie, M.Div.,
Moderator NACCC NHCCC Fellowship
603-986-8849 cell
603-539-7064 home

See photos of this event under the "Photo" tab

Summary of the

Vision Seminar with Rev. Bobbie Chapman


Saturday, September 20, 2014  Pittsfield, NH


Rev. Bobbie Chapman led a Vision Seminar hosted by the Pittsfield Congregational Church in NH.    It was a day worthy of attending, and the fellowship with other NH Congregational Church family was a blessing; expected and realized!  Bobbie introduced the subject matter of what our Churches looked like today 40-50 years ago, what they look like today, and what we think they might look like 40-50 years in the future. She divided us into two groups and then invited us to share our collective perspective.  Regarding how Church looked like in the past and will look like in the future, the present inevitably entered the conversation because our present reality is directly connected to where we will go and from where we have come. 


Some of our observations about what the Church looked like 40-50 years ago where:

  • center of community life for more than Worship Services,
  • worship was solemnly entered into,
  • dress was “Sunday best,”
  • music was used to bring the hearts and minds of worshippers into readiness to hear the preaching of the Gospel,
  • congregational singing was accompanied only by an organ or piano, perhaps both,
  • sports did not occupy a place in Sunday’s schedule.


Some observations regarding our present day:

  • technology is an important part of Worship; more or less depending on the desire of the Congregation,
  • less solemn and more friendly,
  • Meeting Houses are, for many, a distance away requiring transportation,
  • the music ministry is considered equal to the preaching ministry,
  • programs for multiple ministries within the Church,
  • dress is not necessarily “Sunday best,”
  • sports vie for time on Sunday’s schedule.


Some observations regarding the future:

  • can only imagine that technology in worship and church life will continue to advance, and perhaps more than we can imagine,
  • alternate lifestyles,
  • programming re: social justice programs, cultural liberation, normalization of sinful  living,
  • spiritual warfare to intensify.
  • Church going underground because of intense persecution.

Submitted by Helen Cunningham



National Association of Congregational Christian Churches

New Hampshire Fellowship Gathering

Friday July 11, 2014

Northfield/Tilton Congregational Church

9:00 – 10:30 a.m. 


Present:  Mary Harris, Lance Sleeper, Missionary Rev. Charles Nyane, Helen and Peter Cunningham, Diane Bucharelli, Pastor Michelle Betts, Revs. Russell and Cindy Petrie


Our meeting began with prayer offered by Rev. Russell Petrie.


Helen Cunningham reported on the National Association’s Annual Conference:

            The body voted to terminate the Executive Secretary position

            There will be one position; Director of the NACCC

A search committee has been called and names are being accepted for this position

            Helen reports that each session began with worship

                        Morning and evening vespers were well attended

                        The Healing Service was powerful

                        Looking forward to next year’s conference having as much worship as                             this year if not more

            Let us all hold the NACCC in our prayers and also pray that we will all be able               to attend the meeting in 2015.


            Missionary Charles Nyane was with us and discussed the Word Alive Mission in Ghana, Africa.  His description of the Hospital, Nursing Program, and 10th Child Orphanage that exist due to this mission was inspiring.  Charles shared his Christian journey and we came to understand how powerfully our Lord is moving in Charles’ life and in this Ghana Mission.  We prayed that the hospital will be completed soon.  Please consider partnering with the NACCC in including Word Alive Mission—Ghana in your mission giving.  You may send your donations to the NACCC National office with the assurance that every penny will be forwarded to Ghana.


            Following the presentation we all gathered in the Sanctuary.  Diane Bucharelli played the organ and we worshiped God in Songs, Psalms, and Prayer.  God is wonderful and we all felt the power and presence of His Holy Spirit with us.


We thank Mary and Lance for their preparation for the pot luck breakfast and for all the food contributions.  Everything was wonderful!


Hope to see you at our next NACCC NH Fellowship meeting, scheduled for Friday August 8th at the Northfield/Tilton Church from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.


            God bless you.


Respectfully submitted,


Rev. Cynthia B. Petrie, M. Div., Moderator NACCC NH Fellowship

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